That Flat Stare

This is a simple picture, I had no specific detail to draw. For this boring picture I added some techniques in editing it to be more attractive. Well, at least, to me.

First edited version

The difference is only the background

My fave! :D

I love glowing effect

This is the hardest part of the editing, where I put myself stuck in changing the black line then blending the colors. Still looks stiff.

I like this one too, after the 'blending' version

Glow glow glow!
The 'blending' version was surely hard to me. I couldn't finish it in a day. I changed the black lines into other colors, depend on the surround colors where the lines were. Maybe there are easier ways to do something like that, but as far as I know, this is the only way to do. Poor me -_-
